[s-cars] RE: [200q20v] Need advice: Koni or Bilstein

Darin Nederhoff, Managing Editor editor at s-cars.org
Fri Jul 27 17:49:56 EDT 2001

Chris Covington wrote:

> So Konis and Bilstein/Boge are apples and oranges basically.  Hydraulic
> vs. Gas, and if you go gas, might as well get Boges.  It seems like
> everyone has already ruled out Konis for whatever reason (that I disagree
> with).  But if you want to pay $$$ (which you will with Koni or bilstein),
> might as well get the Konis.

The only thing that makes me prefer the Bilstein route is that I have heard of
far more problems with the Konis.  Other than that, I like 'em both just fine.


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