[200q20v] Dist. Cap/Rotor?

Kneale Brownson knotnook at traverse.com
Tue Jun 5 15:04:38 EDT 2001

So where do you source the appropriate rotor?  How about cap and plug wires 

At 01:13 PM 06/05/2001 -0400, C1J1Miller at aol.com wrote:

>Cap is probably the same; rotor is definately not the same.  Some bosch 
>interchange books do say they're the same, rotor tip is not same width, 
>Some people happy using the 10v rotor; not me.
>In a message dated Tue, 5 Jun 2001 12:05:44 PM Eastern Daylight Time, 
>"Hemberger, Chris" <CHemberger at stanadyne.com> writes:
><< Does anybody know definitively if the 20V/3B distributor cap & rotor are
>interchangeable with the standard, 10valve engine's?  Checked the Bosch
>web-parts listing but don't see it - local Euro-parts house says yes & I was
>hoping to get today for R&R tonight.  Thanks in advance...
>Chris Hemberger
>91 200Q Avant
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