[200q20v] DIY Alignment, tools and procedures

Phil Rose pjrose at frontiernet.net
Wed Jun 6 16:24:52 EDT 2001

At 9:27 AM -0400 6/6/01, Kneale Brownson wrote:
>You probably also want to calibrate your carpenter square, Bernie. 
>One way is to use the edge of your bench and mark a line on the top 
>for the arm that goes across the bench, then flip the square to see 
>if the same arm lines up exactly with the mark.  Carpenter squares 
>are famous for going out of square because they get dropped/bumped a 
>bunch, so you usually can get them back into square with mild 
>bumping.  Otherwise, go get another.  They're usually even cheaper 
>than levels.
>At 10:54 PM 06/05/2001 -0800, Bernie Benz wrote:

I believe Bernie's using a steel "framing square", not a "Try-square" 
so that "bumping" adjustment won't work, although the test is still 
valid. I do recall that some adroit dimpling with a  hammer and 
prick-punch (at the inner or outer corner, depending on the error) 
will help true up a steel framing square.


Phil Rose
Rochester, NY
mailto:pjrose at frontiernet.net

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