[200q20v] re: transmissions

C1J1Miller at aol.com C1J1Miller at aol.com
Fri Jun 8 09:21:02 EDT 2001

Fellow 200q20v owners:
Might be time for another group purchase?
Robert B. in Germany has another set of transmissions available for our cars; if you're thinking that yours is on it's last legs, new is better than rebuilt, in my opinion.  I'd be glad to help coordinate this (easier tfor Rob, easier for us, to have one shipment to USA from Germany, then ship to the various people).
Here's the info to date; pricing has not been established.  Several list members have purchased transmissions from Rob in the past, and were very happy with the results.
Who's interested?
Chris Miller, c1j1miller at aol.com
'91 200q20v ==> http://members.aol.com/c1j1miller/
      "Robert B." <rbraun at foni.net> writes:

 Hi Chris:

 I haven't heard from you in long time. How are things?

 You probably noticed that I am responding to you from a different email
 address than you used. I've been paying too much for my internet access
 and so decided to switch providers. This will be my new address for long

 I have noticed that more and more people are asking me for those new
 ADZs, but there is one at Keith @ Anderson Motorsport and one here.
 After that, I can only get AOBs, which are the same trans as the ADZs.
 Same as late model CGR and CRBs are identical, or like the Ur-Qauttro
 20V turbos used RR engines which are identical to the 3B. I can get 30
 of the AOBs, so if anyone on the 200 20V list wants to do a group
 purchase, now is the time..

 Till later.


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