[200q20v] four indicator bulbs at right in IC

Charles Baer charlie at istari.com
Mon Jun 11 12:13:44 EDT 2001

I was taking inventory of dead/missing dash bulbs this weekend in
preparation for the big little-bulb expenditure.

The four discrete indicators in the right side of the display are color
coded, presumably to match the corresponding wired sockets.  Mine only
had one installed, two were floating around behind the dash, and the
fourth ( maybe for the "<-1->", whatever that is ) was nowhere to be

The installed socket had some yellow cloth tape on the base of the
socket, but the wire length was wrapped in red and it was plugged
into the position with the red dot.  The loose wires were black and
blue (ooch!) which match the dots over two of the dash positions,
except the tape color on the socket base was swapped.

My questions:

Is the Black-wire/Blue-socket tape for the ABS or the door open ?
Vice-versa for the Blue-wire/Black-socket tape.

I flipped thru the Bentley wiring, but my eyes get too crossed
to maintain a coherent interpretation after a few dozen pages.


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 - Lazarus Long

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