[200q20v] RE: [s-cars] temp gauge markings

Phil Rose pjrose at frontiernet.net
Wed Jun 20 21:19:59 EDT 2001

The output of Climate Control channel 06 gives you real-time data 
from the engine block's coolant temp sensor (G62 at passenger-side 
rear of block). The Bentley manual has a chart that translates the 
G62 sensor  output to  C or F temperature. This should be a 
relatively easy way to calibrate your dashboard temp gauge.


At 6:46 PM -0400 6/20/01, Martin, Gary G wrote:
>Thanks.  Now I just need to figure out why my fan doesn't come on until
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Fred Munro [mailto:munrof at sympatico.ca]
>Sent: Tuesday, June 19, 2001 9:14 PM
>To: Audi 200; Audi S4; Gary Martin
>Subject: Re: [s-cars] temp gauge markings
>Hi Gary;
>My coolant gauge is graduated in degrees Celsius. The coldest mark is 50C,
>and each mark is a 10C increment. The thicker marks are at 50C, 90C, and
>Fred Munro
>'94 S4
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Gary Martin" <motogo1 at home.com>
>To: "Audi 200" <200q20v at audifans.com>; "Audi S4"
><s-car-list at yahoogroups.com>
>Sent: Tuesday, June 19, 2001 4:16 PM
>Subject: [s-cars] temp gauge markings
>>  Could someone who has a coolant temperature gauge with numbers on it,
>>  tell me what  temp is indicated at the thick hash marks on these gauges?
>>  Thanks
>>  Gary
>>  94 UrS4
>>  91 200TQA
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Phil Rose
Rochester, NY
mailto:pjrose at frontiernet.net

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