[200q20v] r12 replacement autofrost - good as r12?
Chris Covington
malth at umich.edu
Tue Jun 26 21:21:34 EDT 2001
FYI - their "real" website is www.autofrost.com. My only concern is that
the product will "seep" through the stock hoses, but apparently this is a
concern switching to R134a. Anyone BTDT?
'91 200q20v
On Tue, 26 Jun 2001, Robert Myers wrote:
> Phil,
> The Autofrost web site (http://www.refrigerantsales.com/autofrost.html) has
> the MSDS available. The stuff is only 4% isobutane. The other two
> components are chloro-difluoroethane (CH3-CClF2 41%) and
> chloro-difluoromethane (CHClF2 55%). Neither of these is a substance
> which is "environmentally undesirable". We know that to be the case not
> because they have been proven to be non-problematic but because the study
> has never been done. IMO, that sux but who am I to gainsay the
> authorities? A similar comment fits for R134. :-(
> At 04:06 PM 6/26/01, Phil Rose wrote:
> >At 3:13 PM -0400 6/26/01, Chris Covington wrote:
> >>All,
> >>
> >>My 200q20v needs a charge, and I can get a hold of original R12 and do
> >>it with my friend, or, the easier route, use a generic R12 replacement
> >>called Autofrost
> >
> >I don't have any info to give (one way or the other) but I went to the
> >website you mentioned and did some reading. Autofrost, while advertised as
> >a drop-in replacement for R-12 refrigerant is something rather different,
> >chemically (it's a "non-azeotropic mixture" of unspecified composition).
> >So you really aren't entitled to use the term "generic replacement", which
> >normally implies something that is supposed to be chemically identical to
> >what it's replacing (i.e., other dichlorodifluoromethane source than
> >Freon 12, a DuPont trade name). Autofrost is simply a non-R-12
> >refrigerant. Sounds like interesting stuff. How long has it been in use?
> >
> >Phil
> >--
> >
> >Phil Rose
> >Rochester, NY
> >mailto:pjrose at frontiernet.net
> >
> >
> >
> >
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> Bob
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> Robert L. Myers 304-574-2372
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