[200q20v] S4 rims on UFO's

Martin, Gary G MartinGG at aetna.com
Wed Jun 27 19:06:59 EDT 2001

Yes, they do.

91 200TQA
94 UrS4

>  -----Original Message-----
> From: 	Richard E. Berlin, Jr. [mailto:rberlin at feltonberlin.com] 
> Sent:	Wednesday, June 27, 2001 1:49 PM
> To:	200q20v at Audifans. Com
> Subject:	[200q20v] S4 rims on UFO's
> Fresh from buying and returning BBS 16X8's that turned out to be 16X7's,
> I've now set my sights on a set of oem S4 rims (16X8)  circa 1993. Can
> anyone on the list verify that they'll fit the UFO?
> Thanks for your help.
> Richard E. Berlin, Jr.
> '91 200q20v Avant
> Email: <rberlin at feltonberlin.com>
> (978) 548-3737 
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