[200q20v] Re: Refrigerant for 200 TQ

Fundsalo Racing fundsaloracing at yahoo.com
Thu Jun 28 11:46:39 EDT 2001

I have heard that not only is the 134a less efficient,
but that system pressures with 134a are FAR higher Vs
with R12. This results in more premature component
failures and might also explain the observed faster
loss of refrigerant over time.



--- Jeff.Bernstein at pneumaticscale.com wrote:
> I have run 134a in my '91 200 for two full years
> now.  I did have a
> compressor seize two weeks after I converted but the
> compressor had been
> making bad bearing sounds for two years prior to the
> conversion so I wasn't
> surprised.  I put a used compressor from another '91
> 200 on and have had no
> problems since.  It hasn't leaked down yet.  
> I think maybe the reason that people are saying 134a
> leaks down is because
> they may have had multiple leaks in the system prior
> to the conversion.  To
> be honest isn't that why most people make the
> conversion in the first place.
> I converted my '87 944T over four years ago and it
> finally leaked down this
> spring enough to need a slight recharge to get the
> cooling back up to where
> it used to be.  The car is stored every winter which
> is very hard on the
> compressor so I really can't blame the 134a after
> four years on a 14 year
> old car.
> The 134a was just as cold in both cars or at least I
> couldn't tell any
> difference between the two after the conversion.  I
> wouldn't worry too much
> about the conversion to 134a since there have been a
> lot of successful
> conversions assuming that there wasn't a problem
> before the conversion.  You
> shouldn't do the initial conversion yourself since
> to do it correctly the
> system has to be vacuumed out and the oil changed to
> the new compressor oil.
> This is not something a home mechanic can generally
> do .  You can however
> add 134a to a system that has already been converted
>  fairly easily and
> cheaply at home which could be handy.
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