[200q20v] V8 vs old S4
Vztante at aol.com
Vztante at aol.com
Fri Mar 2 14:32:17 EST 2001
In a message dated 3/2/01 9:55:55 AM, pjrose at frontiernet.net writes:
<< I'm not sure what "so much rubber" means, but have you ever checked
(or replaced) your car's steering damper? That's one possible
low-cost, easy-to-do fix for the "follow-the-grooves" problem.
During the initial inspection of my newly acquired 20020v, the Audi mechanic
said that the steering damper(dampener?) needed replacing. He hadn't driven
it yet. The car does some serious tramming with stock rubber and wheels. I
would suggest that you have the steering damper looked at.
Mitch Frey
'91 Miata "Torqueless Tailwagger"(for sale)
'00 A6 2.7t
'91 200tq20v
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