[200q20v] OIL DRAIN PLUG

Phil Rose pjrose at frontiernet.net
Fri Mar 2 21:23:47 EST 2001

At 3:49 PM -0500 3/2/01, Tom Donohue wrote:
>I have the same drain plug on my 91 TQ Avant and bought a (very 
>expensive) 17mm
>hex socket to carry with me at all times...just in case.  I believe these are
>V8 items, but maybe on at least some 20v also.  Tom

That 17mm hex socket is also needed for the tranny fill/drain plugs, 
so it's a good thing to have anyway. Costs "only" about $13 from 
Snap-On, AFAIR.


Phil Rose
Rochester, NY
mailto:pjrose at frontiernet.net

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