[s-cars] Fwd: Re: [200q20v] a Chemist in the house???

Robert Myers robert at s-cars.org
Wed Mar 7 15:09:49 EST 2001

At 01:44 PM 3/7/01 -0500, Peter Schulz wrote:

>Chris said that he's not a chemist, and doesn't play one on TV....
>Bob Myers IS a chemist, but he recently switched ISPs...
>Bob, you out there?

Yeah, I'm here.  Whadya want?  Some sort of witch's brew?  Dream on, 
Alice.  :-)

"Road chemicals" are most likely either salt (sodium chloride) or calcium 
chloride or both often (usually?) mixed with some sort of grit.  To remove 
these the best bet would be a shop vacuum to get the loose solids followed 
with a thorough flush with just plain old water.  Are you _SURE_ you wanna 
do that inside the fuse/relay box?  (Said box, BTW, is open on the under 
side to the driver's side footwell area.)

If you decide to go that route I'd recommend pulling the various relays and 
disconnect power to the fuse box (probably by disconnecting the +12 volt 
connection for the battery before the flush.  (Remember the radio 
code?)  You would also need to jerry rig something to catch the 
washings.  I'm not sure I'd recommend this approach.  I might do it myself 
but I'm not sure I'd recommend it for anyone else.

A probably less effective but safer method would involve vacuuming followed 
by a careful wipe down with a damp cloth or possibly moist q-tips.  This 
would get most surface crud (technical term used by professional chemists) 
but would be less effective in dealing with deposits which may have gotten 
further into the works.

As Chris suggests, contact cleaner to finish up with might be a good idea.

> >I'm not a chemist, but I'd start with the shop vac to remove any
> >solids.  I wouldn't introduce anything there except a contact cleaner
> >spray, and if you're dousing it, I'd pull the battery connection first and
> >while it's drying.
> >Chris
> >
> >In a message dated Wed, 7 Mar 2001  1:18:08 PM Eastern Standard Time,
> >"Glen Powell" <gpowell at ennovatenetworks.com> writes:
> >
> ><<
> >Last weekend, before the Blizzard of 2001, I went to pull the two 'motor'
> >fuses to reset my 'check-engine' light and found the top to the fuse-box was
> >not securely fastened. A small quantity of road chemicals (for sno & ice
> >control) was in evidence.
> >
> >I there a magic brew solution I could mix up and spray in there in small
> >quantity that would neutralize those nasty corrosive chemicals before any
> >corrosive damage is done?
> >
> >Thanks!
> >
> >-glen
> >
> >
> >
> >
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>Peter Schulz
>1990 CQ
>1991 200 20v TQW
>Chelmsford, MA USA
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  Robert L. Myers   304-574-2372
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  '95 urS6  Cashmere Grey - der Wunderwagen    ICQ 22170244
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