[200q20v] Makes you smile (lazy SUV driver get's his)
Peter Schulz
peschulz at cisco.com
Thu Mar 8 09:14:21 EST 2001
After two days of digging out of the latest Northeaster (2+ft of snow),my
wife and I left for work in opposite directions - she and our son in the
TQW, me in the CQ...
On the way, I passed an new Surburban (chevy SUV) with at least 2+ feet of
snow still sitting on top, and yup, you guessed it, the driver on the cell
phone. One of my biggest pet peeves are lazy drivers such as this one, who
have total contempt for the poor driver behind them upon which this snow
will end up. My immediate thought was "lazy @ssed inconsiderate jerk" -
why don't the police stop these people and right them up for driving to
endanger, and driving while impaired?
I told my wife about this later and she laughed in response. It turned out
that the same SUV driver had to stop short.
...and ALL of the snow moved forward and ended up in his hood and
windshield, totally obstructing his view.
he had to climb out and properly clean off his car.
Made my day! ;^)
Peter Schulz
1990 CQ
1991 200 20v TQW
Chelmsford, MA USA
peschulz at cisco.com
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