[200q20v] Heater Box Removal: Some progress,more questions

Arun Rao rao at pixar.com
Thu Mar 8 09:34:00 EST 2001

on 3/6/01 6:24 AM, Forhan, Thomas at Thomas.Forhan at mail.house.gov wrote:

> Bear with me here, folks. I took a thin, narrow bladed putty knife to the
> seal between the box and the firewall, mostly along the top. Starting
> carefully, and then with more gusto, I used a variety of flat bladed
> screwdrivers and started levering the thing loose on the drivers side, where
> there is more access. It is moving now, maybe 1/2".

I only did this on my old '85 5KT, but it appears almost identical on our
cars.  I wrapped a rope around the box and hauled on it --  a pulley on the
roof would have been perfect, but this was back when I lived in an
apartment.  It took a lot of pulling, but finally worked loose.  (But it
wasn't 22F outside!)

> Do I need to remove the two vacuum servos to get in
> there, or do the servos come out with the box

I remember removing them (because they were a real pain to put back on), but
not sure if I absolutely needed to.

Just in case you ever need it, I think I have a video of how the box is
assembled, and how the vanes go.  I didn't make that cardboard template
Bentley recommends to place the vanes -- instead, I glued bits of strings to
the pivot ends of the vanes, threaded them through the holes and used them
to maneuver the vanes into position as I put the box back together.

Good luck!


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