[200q20v] Don't replace that alternator!

omllenado omllenado at hotmail.com
Fri Mar 9 21:29:28 EST 2001

Actually i know for a fact that the alternator can be remanufactured,...  I
came from the philippines and we usually have the alternator rewinded, but
know here in a foreign land - our knew home i still had to do some
researching on shops that do that, luckily we have this helpfull message


Oliver M. Llenado
Denver Colorado 80220
Homepage http://www8.ewebcity.com/omllenado

----- Original Message -----
From: "Phil Rose" <pjrose at frontiernet.net>
To: <david_haupt at agilent.com>; <C1J1Miller at aol.com>
Cc: <200q20v at audifans.com>
Sent: Friday, March 09, 2001 12:14 PM
Subject: RE: [200q20v] Don't replace that alternator!

> At 10:17 AM -0700 3/9/01, david_haupt at agilent.com wrote:
> >When you repair a component, there's always the risk that some other part
> >it will fail.
> [snip]
> >
> >So - 18 months on it and it's still going.  This alternator, BTW, has
> >miles on it.  It's the 90A version.
> That was my whole point: your advice and good experience is based on
> the 90 amp alternator. Others, who have seen a significantly higher
> failure rate for the110 amp version, advise that its repair is of a
> more dubious value--especially if one has to pay a shop for parts and
> labor. Sure, if one has the personal time, skill and facilities, the
> brush/regulator replacement is the way to go. As I said, it's a
> matter of expectations and resources.
> --
> Phil Rose
> Rochester, NY
> mailto:pjrose at frontiernet.net
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