[200q20v] static buzz through speakers while accelerating

Vztante at aol.com Vztante at aol.com
Mon Mar 12 14:12:25 EST 2001

I get a staticky buzz when pressing the accelerator. It doesn't happen all of 
the time, but this is consistently the condition under which I hear the buzz. 
It comes through the front driver's side door speaker and dash tweeter on my 
'91 200tq20v with Bose. Car Toys said that my filters were history, and that 
the speakers would need replacing. Help on sourcing the speakers would be 
greatly appreciated.

Strangely, the onset of this noise correlates with the IA Stage 3 chip 

Any ideas?

Mitch Frey
'91 Miata "Torqueless Tailwagger"(for sale)
'00 A6 2.7t
'91 200tq20v

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