[200q20v] Aux. radiator

Phil Rose pjrose at frontiernet.net
Mon Mar 12 14:48:03 EST 2001

At 1:37 PM -0500 3/12/01, Edwards, Gregg wrote:
>Has anyone removed or bypassed the Aux. radiator altogether?  How much
>coolant can actually get circulated through the core of this radiator?  The
>car is used as a daily driver, no aspirations for the track.

You might also need to give up aspirations for running the A/C. What 
kind of summer climate is typical in your area? Northern Cailfornia, 
OR, WA--give it a shot; but if sub-tropical or desert regions--could 
be trouble, even without A/C.

Is the aux. rad. also one of Audi's  plastic wonders? If it's 
all-metal, maybe it can be repaired.


Phil Rose
Rochester, NY
mailto:pjrose at frontiernet.net

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