[200q20v] Re: Cool audi website

Todd Young tyoung at wamnet.com
Tue Mar 13 09:11:41 EST 2001

I notice that they are reselling APR systems for the A4 1.8T.........why
not go straight to the source, APR, and save some money.

Same thing with GIAC chips, if you want them, ditch the reseller and go
straight to the source.

> Tim Sidders wrote:
> Hi all,
> I found this really cool site today...tons of aftermarket stuff and
> some really original go fast things too...
> check it out @ http://eurocarservice.cc/
> Later
> Tim
> 91 200 20v

Life's a beach. Dig your toes into the sand and enjoy.
Todd Young 		WAM!NET Inc.
tyoung at wamnet.com	655 Lone Oak Drive, Bldg #A
651-256-5051		Eagan, MN 55121
800-585-1133 ext.5051	http://www.wamnet.com/
'93 Audi 90S (|___\====OOOO====/___|)

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