[200q20v] Free Dealer Service

Mike O'Donnell mod2000 at home.com
Tue Mar 13 20:07:59 EST 2001

Check this out.

I called my local Audi dealer (University) about two weeks back regarding my airbag light which has been on for the past six months.  I mention I'm a quattro list member and he sez to swing by and they will check it out.  I had already located the two VAG pins behind the climate control unit and they were readily accessible.  The shop foreman meets me at the front desk, I explain the situation and meets me out in the lot with a portable VAG.  He pulls the codes, clears em' , gives me a print-out and off I go.  Free.  I'm still stunned.

So my question...two codes were pulled, the first related to low voltage and the second indicating...

00588     032
Airbag Igniter - Driver Side - N95
Resistance value too large
Sporadic DTC

Is this fault code related to the airbag itself or the spiral spring?  Thanks in advance.

Mike O.
91' avant
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