[200q20v] 1989 audi 200 Stereo reset

Brett Dikeman brett at brettd.dsl.speakeasy.net
Sun Mar 18 20:25:24 EST 2001

On Sun, 18 Mar 2001, Phil Rose wrote:

> Oliver, your question was _so_ far from being a case of "dealer 
> bashing" that I'm stunned by Brett's response. IMHO you said nothing 
> that required an apology.

That's correct, I didn't think an apology wasn't necessary, and, Oliver,
sorry for sounding harsh on you.

The tone of my comments were set by both a sense that more and more(not
one single incident) comments were popping up...and a bad mood I've been
in all weekend because of 2 inches of sewage that backed up into half of 
my apartment :-(

I agree with most, if not all, of what Phil said in his post; but
honestly, I have to admit I have the same reservations about going to a
new mechanic that I don't know, as I do going to a dealer I don't
know.  As Phil points out, Clair, Carlsen, etc...are all well-known
dealers and, by most people, highly recommended...so I felt comfortable
going to them, just like I felt comfortable taking my car to a new
mechanic when I moved here to NY.

I don't want any of the newer folk like Oliver to feel I'm coming down on
them or I "hate" them; I think it's great to see a lot of new "faces" come
out.  Don't be intimidated; sometimes, I'm just grumpy :-|

Actually, speaking of grumpy, I'm feeling grumpy that not a single 
contribution has been made to the FAQ-O-Matic.  What's it that they say
about horses and water?  I didn't expect much participation, but...I was
at least hoping for something :-(

Very cute...tonight, a gent walked by my car as I was about to pull out of
a space at the supermarket.  He looked over+down, gave a disapproving
sneer as his car 2000 Lexus 4-something or other* went "woop woop."

At the stoplight or cash register my friend, any time...

*the one that has the original-looking Mercedes-like headlights; not the
original-looking Lexus "TT" :-)  Does anybody else see a huge
injustice?  It's like they took a Merc coupe, a little Mitsu Ecplise, and
a WHOLE lot of TT, added a couple thousand pounds of useless garbage, and
put it into production...

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