[200q20v] RE: [UrS-technical] atmosphere and compressor maps - read'n 'riting & 'ritmatic

mlp mlped at qwest.net
Mon Mar 19 10:25:26 EST 2001

Feico - I thin you can get a Density Correction Chart at
http://www.ametektmd.com/techref/app_not.pdf  go to page 49 of the pdf
document, if that's of any help?

Mike P.
  -----Original Message-----
  From: Feico van der Laan [mailto:feicov at yahoo.com]
  Sent: Monday, March 19, 2001 9:30 AM
  To: mlp; John Petersen; UrS-technical at yahoogroups.com
  Cc: S-Car-List; 200q20v Mailing List; Quattro List
  Subject: Re: [UrS-technical] atmosphere and compressor maps - read'n
'riting & 'ritmatic

  There may be a 2-4% error in this calculator. He uses
  the assumption that the standard conditions are:  Air
  temp 77 deg F,   29.235 Inches Hg Barometer, 0 ft
  altitude, 0% relative humidity.

  Standard air temperature is considered 59 Degrees @
  29.235 inches Hg. If my memory serves me correctly.


  Best regards,
  Feico van der Laan

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