[200q20v] Wheres the rear fog anyway

hah at srv.net hah at srv.net
Mon Mar 19 17:06:00 EST 2001

>Were exactly should the rear fog bulb be?
>I have fog switch on dash but car came with no fog lights.
>The rear I just inspected all possible spots were it could be, and didnt 
find anything.
>Were there some 20v s that just didnt come hooked up for it or what/

US 200q20vs only came with a rear fog light. It is located in the trunk 
lid part of the rear light/reflector panel, on the driver's side, and is 
actually a second filament in the bulb for the lower (red) unit, that is 
also a parking/running light. It only activates when the lights are on.

How is the wiring in your trunk's hinge area? My backup lights recently 
quit because of wire separation there...

Henry Harper
1991 200 quattro, 112k
1988 GTI 16v, 217k

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