[200q20v] quattro not passing emissions.HELP!!!!

Tim Sidders tpsidders1 at netzero.net
Sat Mar 24 23:47:20 EST 2001

Hi all 
I am having a bit of a dilemma..my 5kcsqt is not passing the emissions test! I took it to my mechanic and he told me that I need a new Cat! The test he said he performed is one with a laser temp tester, I am sceptical of this!

 Supposedly he measured the temp of the front of the cat and the temp of the rear of the cat and he said, if working properly that it should vary 150 degees????I've never heard of a test like this and is it a valid one. I have known this guy and I trust him (somewhat) He is very busy and I wonder if he is just pawning me off to buy some of his valuable time.

How does one find out if the cat is bad???
Where can i find a good aftermarket one?? howmuch ??

Any help is really appreciated!!


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