[200q20v] steel v. alloys

Kneale Brownson knotnook at traverse.com
Wed Mar 28 17:24:29 EST 2001

PO of my 200q20vt had the Hakkas on the spokey BBS wheels and the summer 
tires on Borbetts.  I've left them that way because the BBS looked 
worse.  They DO tend to pack snow into the spokes if you drive through 
heavy drifts, especially in parking lot or similar situations, and the snow 
will turn to ice if your wheels are a bit warm.  Makes for some interesting 
out-of-balance moments (or entire trips if iced in well).   I've been 
looking for something like the Borbetts (five spokes) that won't pack in 
the snow so tightly to use when I buy new snows.

At 11:35 AM 03/28/2001 -0500, Mark Trank wrote:

>I am considering mounting my snow tires (hakka 1s) on a set of OEM BBS
>wheels.  Currently they are on a set of Audi steel wheels.  Can any listers
>comment on whether the alloy wheels are up to the task of snow/ice and
>related winter weather duty, or am I better off just keeping the steel
>wheels, which are considerably heavier and not nearly as attractive, IMO?
>Am I making a mistake?  FYI, I'm in Virginia, and we don't have the snowfall
>that my northern/midwestern brethren and sisters have.  The hakka 1s are
>probably overkill here but I picked 'em up in great shape and I ran them
>this winter from Jan-Feb.
>mtrank at albemarle.org
>mtrank at exch.co.albemarle.va.us
>91 200q20v 86k miles
>200q20v mailing list
>200q20v at audifans.com

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