[200q20v] Toms' 200
Edward J Kellock
ekellock at juno.com
Wed Mar 28 23:40:44 EST 2001
Sorry to see this go this way. I can certainly see your point of view.
As a lister, I was put off that Tom stirred the list pot for advice,
ignored it, then came back to complain to the list about the outcome
of his choice to go his own way. I was wondering whether he took you
up on your offer to meet on a Saturday and do some DIY troubleshooting.
Also, I'm doing a double take at Mike Miller's empathy for Tom
in this case. He was adamantly unempathetic about a Canadian Audi
owner who complained about having been delivered a brand new
A4 with no oil in the crankcase. Mike laid all blame in that case
on the owner, not the dealer. Now this. It takes all kinds I guess.
I can understand that a dealer might prefer to install a new part rather
than solder a 10-year old part. Even though soldering is suggested in
TSB, I suppose at this point with a 10-year old car, the effectiveness
is going to be far less reliable than when the TSB was originally
published in
1993 and the parts being treated were only two years old.
Bottom line is, the list shared with Tom the info about the TSB and the
fix that involves soldering, that many listers have performed
themselves. He was aware of it, you were aware of it. Instead, the
dealer-recommended approach was to replace the board all together.
He okay'd the work. He received the part. The primary problem
discussed in the TSB seems to be corrected.
Colorado Springs
On Wed, 28 Mar 2001 20:45:14 -0500 Neil Swanson
<75377.3445 at compuserve.com> writes:
> Tom
> I'm going to step in here now. I do understand your frustration.
What you
> seem to ignore is that there was a TSB on stalling and speedo problems.
> Your speedo is now OK right? The speedo needle is now steady right?
> The TSB stated a speedo AND stalling problem remember. Also remember
> does not always stall does it. You don't have stalling at lights or at
> other times so that makes it tougher to duplicate.
> The stalling isn't fixed. OK. The valve tests OK. It holds vacuum.
> work or they don't. They leak or they don't. We drive the car and it
> does not stall for us. Did we replace all hoses going to the valve?
> because it didn't stall for us.
> Next visit we should replace the valve and replace all related hoses
> to the valve. Then we'll drive it. If it does not stall for us we'll
> assume problem fixed. Is it not fair for us to repair a car, drive a
> and if the problem doesn't appear assume it doesn't have one?
> Also I sent you e-mail stating I would meet you there on my own time,
on a
> Saturday after a 56 hour work week with my own tools and my own known
> BPV and other parts. I would install a valve and inspect the hoses
> replace them. This is a good will gesture I made as an owner of the
> car and experience with them.
> You never responded to my offer. A free offer! You choose instead to
> posts like the most recent one. Why didn't you respond?
> And what if it isn't the BPV afterall? Most have given you advice
that it
> is. What if it isn't . A bad idle speed controller could do this and
> never throw a fault code. We replace alot of these parts on the V-6s.
> fault and stalling = a bad ISC. But we aren't going to put a dealer
> $285 part on your car when it doesn't stall. At least not when we've
> driven it.
> We're trying not to install parts you don't need. We knew what
> fix the speedo based on experience. The shops experience isn't
> for sure to the BPV.
> So if you don't want to spend more money with us don't. Take all the
> collective advice given here and run with it. Installing a BPV and
> hose is easy. A $40 part and some hose. I think you should try it
> yourself. You're going to buy the parts anyway no matter who does it.
> Why not save on the labor?
> Neil
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