[200q20v] Distributer Replacement

Wolff wolff at turboquattro.com
Thu May 3 09:07:49 EDT 2001

I agree, it doesn't seem possible, but it does seem very odd that the dist
was changed and shortly afterwards the cam locked up. Perhaps a peice of the
old plastic gear got stuck in the drive gear on the cam? This info is second
hand, so I don't know the details. I just know I don't want to duplicate the

"Nobody can forget the sound." - Michele Mouton
----- Original Message -----
From: Fundsalo Racing <fundsaloracing at yahoo.com>
To: Wolff <wolff at turboquattro.com>
Sent: Thursday, May 03, 2001 5:35 AM
Subject: Re: [200q20v] Distributer Replacement

> I don't understand how a distributor change could
> cause bent valves, it is driven by the cam, not the
> other way around. If the dist was mis-timed the engine
> would just run poorly or not start at all. Valves only
> get bent when the cam timing is out of sync with the
> crank because the belt broke or the belt was installed
> incorrectly.
> ???
> -glen
> --- Wolff <wolff at turboquattro.com> wrote:
> > Having heard a horror story about bent valves after
> > a distributer
> > replacement I thought I'd get some collective list
> > wisdom about doing the
> > swap. I went to change my 100k+ mile rotor and
> > discovered that the axle of
> > my distributer has about a centimeter of up and down
> > play. This can't be
> > good. I have stopped driving the car. I have a new
> > distributer and should
> > have an alignment tool as soon as the back order is
> > filled. How do I change
> > change the dist? (FWIW I have the skill to do all my
> > own TB changes)
> > Thanks,
> > Wolff
> > "Nobody can forget the sound." - Michele Mouton
> >
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