[200q20v] Knock Sensor & Oil Cooler Info
Jeff.Bernstein at pneumaticscale.com
Jeff.Bernstein at pneumaticscale.com
Mon May 7 16:04:04 EDT 2001
I had a bra on a 924 Turbo that had all the air vent holes covered with what
appeared to be a screen material that caused the car to overheat within
about three laps on Nelson Ledges Race Track. Removed the bra and the car
ran cool the rest of the day as it had previously. I would conclude that it
cut air circulation dramatically so I would never cover any radiator with
any screen material again.
-----Original Message-----
From: Kneale Brownson [mailto:knotnook at traverse.com]
Sent: Monday, May 07, 2001 11:46 AM
To: Bernie Benz; Jeff.Bernstein at pneumaticscale.com
Cc: 200q20V mailing list
Subject: Re: [200q20v] Knock Sensor & Oil Cooler Info
Did you determine the amount of airflow reduction resulting from the
screen? I think I read somewhere that ordinary doorscreen material will
reduce airflow in this sort of application by nearly half.
At 08:09 AM 05/07/2001 -0800, Bernie Benz wrote:
>Jeff, You'll also find in like manner that your intercooler and aux
>radiator are partially plugged with dirt and sand. After cleaning, I use
>plastic screen cloth, for screen doors, as a pre filter to keep the sand
> > From: Jeff.Bernstein at pneumaticscale.com
> > Date: Mon, 7 May 2001 06:30:48 -0500
> > To: 200q20v at audifans.com
> > Subject: [200q20v] Knock Sensor & Oil Cooler Info
> >
> > I had noticed that over the last few months I wasn't getting as much
> > and the boost was coming on slower. I finally saw a code referring to
> > #1 knock sensor. I looked at the sensor and found that all the outer
> > plastic cable shielding was cracked and was disintegrating quickly. I
> > replaced both knock sensors since the #2 sensor was starting to
> disintegrate
> > also. I now have full boost and it comes on faster also.
> >
> > As I was working on the car I also noticed a large leaf was blocking
> part of
> > the oil cooler. I decided that in order to get the leaf out I had to
> remove
> > the ducting in front of the oil cooler. Upon removal it became obvious
> that
> > the cooler was almost completely clogged with dirt that had slowly
> > accumulated over the years. I could hardly see any light though the
> > and the dirt was baked on especially the bottom half of the cooler. I
> > disconnected the cooler from the frame and lowered it into a bucket of
> > water, leaving the lines attached, and soaked it for 24 hours. I then
> > an air compressor to blow the small gravel and sand out of the cooler
> > took almost an hour of work to get the majority of the dirt out of it.
> > had noticed that it seemed like the oil temperature was hotter than it
> > to be but it was going up over the years at a very slow rate due to the
> > gradual build-up of dirt.
> >
> > I took the car out for a test drive after fixing all these things and
> > pleasantly surprised to find that the oil temperature was noticeably
> > even though I was making a lot more boost. I would suggest that anyone
> with
> > a high mileage car should take some time to check these two items. Very
> > rewarding weekend project.
> >
> > You can see my car at a web sight that my son made for our various Audi
> cars
> > at http://www.bernsteincars.8m.com/.
> >
> > Jeff Bernstein
> >
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