[200q20v] Anybody ever change a differential bearing?

Bernie Benz b.m.benz at prodigy.net
Tue May 8 16:36:32 EDT 2001

Changing diff side bearings is a big undertaking because it involves shim
adjustments of the pinion and ring gear interface.  You should read the
Bentley procedure before deciding if you want to tackle it.  Alternatives
are of course used, rebuilt, or having yours rebuilt.  German Transaxle in
Bend, OR. is one of the better rebuilders.  Try Dave at Dads AW for used,
<parts at dadsauto.com>.  Shop around.


> From: Wolff <wolff at turboquattro.com>
> Date: Mon, 07 May 2001 15:45:19 -0700
> To: 200q20v at audifans.com
> Subject: [200q20v] Anybody ever change a differential bearing?
> My '91 200 tq has some pretty serious freeplay on the right side tranny
> final drive. It moves enough that the inner right CV bangs into the heat
> sheild on decelleration. Has anyone replaced the differential bearings
> before? Is it beyond the realm of possible?
> TIA,
> Wolff
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