[200q20v] Tranny likes new oil

Martin, Gary G MartinGG at aetna.com
Thu May 17 22:25:00 EDT 2001

Changed the tranny oil in my 91 200 Avant(93k mi) with Redline MT90. To be
honest, based on experience with the S4, I wasn't expecting any changes, but
was pleasantly suprised with the improvement. Bought the car recently, so I
don't know if it was ever replaced before, or if the oil level was low,
because it was leaking a bit when I got it. Anyway, I'm starting to really
like this car (not as much as the S4 though). I'm thinkin' I'll be headin'
to chip city soon... :-)

91 200TQA
94 UrS4 
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