[200q20v] re: NEQ corral at Mt. Washington, June 22-24

C1J1Miller at aol.com C1J1Miller at aol.com
Fri May 18 01:35:44 EDT 2001

A reminder about the NEQ corral event at the Audi Mt. Washington Climb to the 
Clouds hillclimb June 22-24.  Registration and housing information is listed 
This information has also been mailed to past participants.
Rooms will only be held exclusively for our group through the 19th of this 
month (today); after that, anyone can book the rooms, so don't wait and miss 
If you want the event t-shirt, your registration form should be postmarked by 
June 8.
Questions can be sent to Chris Miller at c1j1miller at aol.com
Pictures, etc. on my site from past events:
also on the NEQ home page at http://www.neqclub.org

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