[200q20v] Autox'ing and Re New toy

Bernie Benz b.m.benz at prodigy.net
Mon May 21 00:06:56 EDT 2001

The PS is powered by the 6 piston rear section of the pump.  No accumulator
in this PS system.  The 2 piston front section powers the PB system, which
uses the accumulator.  The two systems are independent, excepting for the
common resorvoir and return line to the pump.


> From: "Derek Pulvino" <dbpulvino at hotmail.com>
> Date: Sun, 20 May 2001 17:30:14 -0700
> To: 200q20v at audifans.com
> Subject: [200q20v] Autox'ing and Re New toy
> Hey All,
> Did my first AutoX today.  Definetely equivalent to a car tailored, all out
> sprint.  Some pretty cool cars down there.  One of the fastest of the day
> was a Turbo Miata.  Saw the car take off, and wouldn't ya know I heard that
> familar whine under the hood.  Asked the owner, and sure enough, plumbed
> with a turbo.  Next time around I'm going to have to start messing with tire
> inflation, see if I can't trim some of that inherent understeer.  Oh, and I
> might need to work on braking for the corners a little sooner.
> My question though is...I have a real good idea that my bomb is not what it
> once was, and in the really quick back to back turning sections I noticed
> steering boost dissapear several times.  I know that the accesories are
> hydraulicly assisted, so it makes sense to me that low reserves on the
> pressure accumulator could contribute to this problem.  Any other similar
> experience or impressions?  There's no weeping, leakage, or groaing, with
> the the rack, or the hydraulic pump, but I'm not leary to say the bomb is
> not up to spec.

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