[200q20v] New Brake Lines - tubing or flexible?

Fundsalo Racing fundsaloracing at yahoo.com
Tue May 22 07:28:51 EDT 2001

Hard lines or flexible?

I really like the SS braided Teflon-lined flexible
lines. They really provide superior brake feel and do
not get spongy when hot as do the factory rubber
flexible lines. Check your local laws if you care
about DOT approval or not as most after-market SS flex
lines are NOT DOT approved.



--- Peer Oliver Schmidt <pos at theinternet.de> wrote:
> Good day,
> my car might need new break lines in the foreseeable
> future.
> What is the consens, if there is one, of the list
> members. Go OEM or go
> something else. Pros/cons?
> Have a good week.
> rgds
> pos
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