[200q20v] Roof rack solutions????

copley one copley at snet.net
Tue May 22 12:00:51 EDT 2001

Thule does indeed make a PERFECT roof rack for the 1991 200 20v wagon. I
know, because I had one. It fastens securely to the vehicle but also
incorporates the chrome bars. Like a glove.

I'll need to dig around for the number, but the people at  Outdoor
Sports Center were EXTREMELY knowledgeable.

Outdoor Sports Ctr. 80 Danbury Rd Wilton, CT 06897 (203) 762-8797

They also have a website, something like roofracksdirect.com or
something generic like that.

now that i think about it, i may still have the feet for that rack.
hmmmm. got to look in the garage. Then you can take my kids for a canoe
ride at Mt Wash...

Paul K

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