[200q20v] 91 Avant rear wiper

Gary Martin motogo1 at home.com
Wed May 23 15:55:08 EDT 2001

Well, took the wiper assembly out today. The motor is fryed, and I mean
FRYED! Any AVANT owners out there, if your rear wiper gets stuck, disconnect
the power somehow. Pull the electrical connection or fuse. I'm not sure why
this thing got stuck. The wiper gear is not easy to disassemble, but doesn't
appear to be dried out grease syndrome. Anyway, after the wiper stuck, on
the 30 minute drive home, apparently the motor kept heating up and melting.
The fuse never did blow.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Peter Schulz" <peschulz at cisco.com>
To: "Gary Martin" <motogo1 at home.com>
Cc: "200q20v" <200q20v at audifans.com>
Sent: Tuesday, May 22, 2001 3:14 PM
Subject: Re: [200q20v] 91 Avant rear wiper

> At 03:01 PM 5/22/2001 -0400, you wrote:
> >Finally got some rain in N.E.  Turn on the rear wiper on my 91 200 Avant,
> >wiper goes half way and stops. Fuse OK. I assume the motor went bye-bye.
> >Smells bad too. Haven't taken it out yet. Any experience or BTDT's.  TIA
> >
> >Gary
> >91 200TQA
> >94UrS4
> >
> >_______________________________________________
> >200q20v mailing list
> >200q20v at audifans.com
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> Gary:
> Might be similar issue that the Coupe Quattro owners experience....
> The grease inside the gearbox dries into a hard substance.
> Solution is to dis-assemble the wiper motor/gearbox, remove the crud.
> relube, and re-assemble.
> see http://20v.org/wiper.htm#rear
> Peter Schulz
> 1990 CQ
> 1991 200 20v TQW
> Chelmsford, MA USA
> peschulz at cisco.com
> Motor:
> The lubricant/grease inside the motor will congeal and harden with age. If
> the wiper works fine at the end of a hot day, that's a clue that you need
> to relube the motor. The wiper assembly consists of a motor,
> attached to a spiral worm gear that's attached to a round toothed gear.
> round gear drives an arm that moves the wiper shaft. On the back side of
> the round gear are 3 contact traces that rub against some
> electrical "wipers" that come through the wiper case to the wire
> connectors. What the wiper and traces do is reverse the motor direction
> when the end of the track is reached.The lube/grease which aids the
> gear trace/wiper hardens and lifts the electrical wiper off of the trace.
> If you open the case of the wiper (4? screws once you remove the inside
> hatch cover panel), and operate the windshield wiper, you may
> see some arcing and sparking through the gear. It is sort of an opaque
> white. I am not sure if the traces are riding up and arcing when the
> circuit is opening or if the electrical wipers are shorting out to the
> If you remove the hardened grease and replace with fresh stuff, the wiper
> will work.
> The key to disassembly is to:
>     1.Remove Wiper arm
>     2.Remove little plastic cap
>     3.Find C-clip on wiper shaft. This holds rotating wiper shaft in place
>     4.Open up wiper "box" (where gears are) by removing the inside trim
> panel on the hatch, then the 4 screws
>     5.Push shaft thru and remove
>     6.Shaft removal allows arm removal which allows toothed gear removal
>     7.Remove crappy grease
>     8.Relube with white lithium grease
>     9.Reassemble in reverse
>    10.Enjoy smooth wiper action
> Peter C. Schulz peschulz at cisco.com
> Quality Systems Engineer/SSE http://www.cisco.com
> Customer Contact Business Unit (CCBU) Direct: 978.275.7772
> Cisco Systems, Inc. Fax: 978.275.5299
> 900 Chelmsford Street Pager: 800.365.4578
> Lowell, MA 01851 USA

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