[200q20v] Looking for E-Brake Trim - sucky service

Fundsalo Racing fundsaloracing at yahoo.com
Thu May 24 06:19:43 EDT 2001

Some guys are in business for the one-shot deal. The
good guys (hard to find) are in business to establish
a long-term relationship and will do almost anything
to make the customer happy. They want repeat business
and word-of-mouth advertising and referrals. These are
the guys to seek out and to stick with. 

Where I do business the customer is 'always right' and
anything broken by the shop is immediately brought to
the attention of the cust and fixed at their cost. The
business owner's personal car has been used as a
loaner in similar cases. Even when a customer
complaint is very marginal, or totally bogus, they eat
the cost and fix whatever it is for customer
satisfaction, repeat business and future referrals for
the excellent service. Nice people to do business with
- seek them out - they are out there!



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