[200q20v] RE: 200q20v digest, Vol 1 #633 - 4 msgs

Cordeiro, Alan Alan.Cordeiro at mts.com
Tue Nov 13 11:31:56 EST 2001

Bernie, don't despair, there is a way out!!!

1) Loosen up the large (axle) nut from both wheels.

2) drive vehicle backwards or forwards a few feet

Both bearings are now BAD!!!

3) Replace both bad bearings

Alan Cordeiro
(220q20v with all original wheel bearings at 159k)

>Message: 4
>Date: Tue, 13 Nov 2001 10:00:29 -0500
>To: 200q20v at audifans.com
>From: Allen Swett <allens at mitronics.com>
>Subject: [200q20v] Bernies Dilemma......>
>Bernie writes-
> "so I may be forced to replace both sides.  Heaven Forbid!  They can't
>both be broke can they?"

>You can feel the tension building as listers everywhere ponder the
>unthinkable question.....Will he fix something that ain't broke?

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