[200q20v] Re: [s-cars] upgrade advice

CL Wong montesawong at yahoo.com
Thu Nov 29 16:55:00 EST 2001

Replacing the UFO rotors has caught my attention
recently since I'm still running original UFOs at

I believe BIRA is about to announce/release a UFO bolt
on kit that uses somekind of modified Mercedes rotor.

While upgrading is attractive to me (heck, I even
bought  17X8.5 Ronal R28s in anticipation of a brake
upgrade 2 yrs ago), I'm not sure I like the idea of
needing rotors that have to be modified to fit.

I wonder which is more likely to be available in 3-5
years? UFOs or modified Mercedes rotors?


Just finished building my diagnostic interface at a
cost of $12 plus a few hours of soldering.  Using the
free demo of vag-com, I was able to reset my airbag
light and discovered that I have an intermittant
intake air-temp sensor.  This is a vastly improved
tool over the led blinking thing on Scott's page but
takes alot more effort to build.


--- Brett Dikeman <brett at cloud9.net> wrote:
> At 11:56 AM -0500 11/28/01, TM wrote:
> >Brett,
> >I don't know that the BIRA systems are inferior to
> the UFOs,
> >even System 1. Maybe Scott J. or someone can pull
> out their
> >calipers, measure the swept areas and compare. :-)
> >
> >Rotor size is roughly equal.
> Sure, that's what I mean.  I would not say
> "inferior", that's not the
> right word at all.  Equal's more like it.  "At worst
> you'll match the
> performance of the UFOs" means that at worse, you'll
> end up with the
> amount of braking Audi originally intended.
> >When I get my caliper brackets and rotors, I'll let
> everyone
> >know how System 2/3 compares to the UFOs.
> That would be great...I haven't seen many direct
> comparisons.  I
> drove Greg's car once for about 20 min, and it felt
> very similar
> except for what felt like very even and fine control
> on his car.
>    Obviously rotors are cheaper, but it takes a
> number of rotors to
> offset the cost of the upgrade, and UFO rotors do
> seem to last
> -quite- a long time, ignoring the mild warping that
> comes+goes.  I
> think I've probably got well over 60k miles on the
> current rotors on
> the car.  Bira doesn't seem to really be intended
> for UFO equipped
> cars; Greg's mission was to do it for the G60
> caliper-equipped
> 200q20vs/S-cars etc.  It also happens to price very
> favorably with
> many other brake upgrade kits for various cars.
> Let's be clear...I'm a big fan of BIRA.  I consider
> Greg a friend,
> and he(and now others with him) has done great
> things with those
> crazy brackets.  I recommend BIRA upgrades to people
> I hear groaning
> about prices for big brake upgrades and so on, I've
> even lent a hand
> where I could; the pictures of the original System1
> on his car were
> taken by me @ Mt Washington a year or two back.
> B
> --

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