[200q20v] chip question

Chris Covington malth at umich.edu
Fri Nov 30 10:16:33 EST 2001

I don't know where the tuners get that "277hp" claim.  It certainly
doesn't feel like a 60 hp (50hp for the S4/S6 people) increase.  I think
in reality you get 250hp (30hp), maybe a little less.

I'd love to see a test on a 1/4 (or the Nurburgring if you have
problems with the sociological implications of visiting a drag
strip) especially with an S4 of stock chip vs. aftermarket.  I've ridden
in a '95.5 S6a w/ and w/o a chip and I couldn't feel the difference, with
the factory providing "overboost."  With our 3B cars maybe the effect is
better because of no overboost, but I'm not sure.

Did anyone do stock ECU vs. chipped ECU (no other mods) with that S-car
dyno session?

'91 200q20v IA3

On Fri, 30 Nov 2001, Fundsalo Racing wrote:

> IA Stage III+ works great without any other mods
> whatsoever, BTDT. Like 270+ HP and peak boost about
> 22-23 PSI! It works - GREAT!
> --- Zoot531 at aol.com wrote:
> > Hello again,
> >
> >     I have heard of people listing the IA stage III
> > chip as an upgrade, but does this mean that they
> > have also changed out the turbo and exhaust
> > manifold?  The IA chip seems to suggest that the IA
> > stage I chip is the only one that does not require
> > either a turbo or manifold swap...is this a correct
> > observation?
> >
> > Thanks much,
> > Adam Chinchiolo
> > '91 200 sedan, pearl white, no mods...yet.
> > (still only getting 1.6 bar of boost)
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