[200q20v] Porsche 944 turbo: turbo compatibility

Tresturbos at aol.com Tresturbos at aol.com
Mon Oct 1 15:45:52 EDT 2001

Hi List,

The 944 came with the K26 #6 and later the K26 #8.  Are these turbos, as 
designed for the Porsche application, exact bolt-ons for the 200tq? I know of 
one 200tq fitted with the K26.  Really no advantage, given it's increased 
lag...maybe a bit more on top. The reason I'm asking, is there are a number 
of attractive direct bolt-on upgrades available at a very reasonable price/hp 
for the 944. Huntley Racing in particular. Their Cheater and Stage 1 
offerings caught my eye. 300whp isn't bad.

Here's their turbo page:


Mitch Frey
Portland, Oregon
'91 200tq IA Stage 3
'00 A6 2.7T

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