[200q20v] soft boost?

WARATAP at aol.com WARATAP at aol.com
Tue Oct 2 16:07:31 EDT 2001

In a message dated 10/2/2001 1:54:18 PM Eastern Daylight Time, 
jbeer at BooseCasey.com writes:

>  Just for grins, I disconnected the WGFV. Interestingly, the car will only
> pull about 10psi, and is sluggish to get there. Normally pulls 21-22 
> peak... Is this an anomoly because of the slightly bigger turbo, or is
> there something wrong? BTW, no codes showing up. TIA
> Regards,
> Jerry 
> 91 200qa(waiting for its GP RS2 EC)
No, it's exactly what my car does.  I would think you'd have a 4442 code, 
since the circuit would be open.  I haven't run a fault code when i did this 
exact same test, though.  Aside from no code, it would appear to normal.

'91 200q20v with a few mods...
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