[200q20v] Fan fusible link question
Edwards, Gregg
Gregg.Edwards at sycamorenet.com
Thu Oct 4 08:57:07 EDT 2001
The fuse must be rated to handle the peak current (80A) for the short
duration of fan turn on,(milliseconds) period, after that I would doubt that
the fan would draw more than 30A in a steady state(continuously running).
-----Original Message-----
From: CL Wong [mailto:montesawong at yahoo.com]
Sent: Wednesday, October 03, 2001 7:19 PM
To: '200q20v at audifans.com'
Subject: Re: [200q20v] Fan fusible link question
I must concur with david. I went to my local
dealership this summer to pick up a few things and I
got a 30amp fusible link too.
The parts guy had them and a few other "popular" parts
right by the front desk in several bins (my radiator
thermoswitch was by the front desk too).
My suspicion is that Audi changed the design slightly
of the fusible link assembly. I seem to recall seeing
a picture of a new assembly which uses 2 fusible links
running parallel about an inch apart where our
original assemblies only have a single fuse point.
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