[200q20v] Rack to pump hose replacement
Phil Rose
pjrose at frontiernet.net
Sun Oct 14 18:18:55 EDT 2001
At 1:47 PM -0400 10/14/01, Kneale Brownson wrote:
>Content-Type: text/plain; x-avg-checked=avg-ok-48F645AA; charset=us-ascii;
>Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
>The tube is the stabilizer bar, I think. Moves back and forth
>perpendicular to the path of the hose as the wheels turn. You have to
>pay attention that when you snug up the Banjo Bolt fastening the high
>pressure hose to the rack, you also don't turn the fitting clockwise enough
>the hose comes in contact with the bar. I tucked a multi-folded towel
>under the hose while doing the final tightening to maintain a little
>distance. You'll see the paint worn off the top of that bar in the hose
>contact region on most Type 44's.
Yes, I believe most all those hoses do make that contact and rub paint
off--chafing away some rubber as well. In my car after 120k miles it had
not yet worn enough to compromise the hose. When the hose was replaced
eventually (due to leakage at the fitting), I tried what Kneale describes
but found that my efforts just slightly reduced the extent of rubbing but
could not eliminate it. Possibly an easier solution has been described
previously by someone--merely to gently pull the hose away from the tie-rod
by strapping it to a nearby support (master cylinder?) using a loop of
heavy wire or a cable tie. I haven't gotten around to doing that yet.
>At 12:41 PM 10/14/2001 -0400, Mark Suttner wrote:
>>This falls under the category of If I had to do again I could do it in 1
>>hour rather than the 4 and 3 trips to sears tool counter.
>>Recently 200q20v started using large amounts of CHF. Like I am SURE I
>>filled that 20 min ago. . . The pump to rack high pressure hose was
>>leaking. The rack end was bolted on in a downward angle (there is a little
>>freedom in how it is positioned) and it was rubbing on a black rod.
>>The problem was removing/installing the 17mm bolt on the rack. The solution
>>was removing the reservoir and bracket to get some access and purchasing a
>>3/4" box end ratchet (17mm not available?!). There was just enough
>>clearance for the wrench to click once. Oh and needed an extender to get
>>some leverage - home made out of angle iron and a bolt.
>>Had I only noticed that hose was chafing. . .
>>200q20v mailing list
>>200q20v at audifans.com
Phil Rose Rochester, NY
'91 200q mailto:pjrose at frontiernet.net
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