[200q20v] RE: turbo bypass valves

Charles Baer charlie at istari.com
Mon Oct 15 14:17:45 EDT 2001


I can't find it but somebody here or on s-cars posted info about a new
bosch BPV that can handle high boost without going skwack!

$much cheaper (~40) and is worth some trials before going the +$100

Might have been a link to a web page, I do know there was a photo of
the new valve...not that it looks substantially different.

I'm still looking for the reference, will post when (if) I find it.


TM wrote:
> Mark,
> I thought I posted this to the list, but here goes again:
> Bailey valve:
> http://www.awe-tuning.com
> $160
> Talk to Mike or Todd (the owner)
> Forge valve:
> http://www.stratmosphere.com
> $130
> Talk to Pete
> TurboXS valve:
> unknown- RevSport?
> $?
> Taka
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