[200q20v] Bucking/Stalling

RICHARD MEZIC rmezic at keyspanenergy.com
Thu Oct 18 09:34:07 EDT 2001

My '91 200 has been bucking and stalling recently.

Bucking seems to happen at or close to max boost (1.7) and then letting off
of the accelerator.  Seems to stall under light acceleration and then
letting off the pedal.  For example, approaching a stoplight.

Codes do not indicate anything.  Instincts tell me its the Turbo Bypass
Valve.  I replaced the hose to the manifold last year, and rerouted it to
follow the firewall.

If so,  (I know there's been lots of talk lately) replace with stock, or
other source?  If non-stock replacement, is it a straight plug-in?  Or do
adjustments need to be made for this particular engine?

Any other suggestions?

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