[200q20v] looking for a 3b engine

Brandon Hull brandon at cardinalpartners.com
Fri Oct 19 14:54:20 EDT 2001

Just a note here from a guy looking for a 3B to put into a coupe.  Anyone
have any suggestions?

-----From: SHIVA [mailto:shiva1 at nbnet.nb.ca]
Sent: Friday, October 19, 2001 12:46 PM
To: brandon at cardinalventures.com
Subject: Re: looking for a 3b engine

hello again 
saw your address on the web at audi20v.org 
im saerching for a 3b engine to do a transplant in my 90 coupe quattro
i m having a hard time finding one 
i would appreciate any leads you could offer in finding a 91 200 turbo
quattro . or engine 
thanks and a grand day 
new brunswick 

-----Original Message-----
From: SHIVA < shiva1 at nbnet.nb.ca <mailto:shiva1 at nbnet.nb.ca> >
To: brandon at cardinalventures.com <mailto:brandon at cardinalventures.com>  <
brandon at cardinalventures.com <mailto:brandon at cardinalventures.com> >
Date: Thursday, October 18, 2001 5:37 PM
Subject: looking for a 3b engine

how can i find a 3b for a transplant?

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