[200q20v] Brake light, Brake light

Kneale Brownson knotnook at traverse.com
Sat Oct 20 09:48:29 EDT 2001

There is no rear brake pad wear warning system,  Noelle.  Your front brake 
pad wear warning wiring probably has a break in it so that your jumper to 
maintain a circuit still doesn't maintain a circuit.  If you check for 
continuity between the connector in the wheelwell and the other end of the 
wire, you probably will find there isn't any.   Isn't there wiring coming 
off the cap for the hydraulic oil reservoir?  There's supposed to be.  If 
the cap wiring has been disconnected, I'd watch the level of the oil pretty 
closely.   The oil should be between the high and low marks with the engine 
idling after the oil is thoroughly warmed up.  What I do is put a pencil 
mark on the reservoir at the oil level when it's cold from sitting 
overnight.  Then I can check it before starting.

At 10:27 AM 10/20/2001 +0000, Noelle Kristen Beaudin wrote:

>Hi everyone,
>I have now owned my 200q20v for a couple of months.  When I test drove it
>before purchase, the brake pad warning light was lite.  Having previously
>owned a 5ktq that had the same problem, I thought nothing much of it and
>figured we would ground the sensor wires like we did in the 5ktq.  So, before
>purchasing, I asked the seller to do the same, after establishing the fact
>that the front brake pads on the 200q20v had recently been replaced and that
>the sensor wires just must have been hooked up wackily.
>One week later my old friend the brake pad warning light lite up again.  I
>spent the following weekend with friends trying to ground both sensor wires.
>They were ground, but the damn light still lite up.
>Last week, the parking brake light started coming on.  It flickered
>occaisionally whether my foot was on the brake or not.  After reading through
>the Bentley manuals I thought it may be the pump, belt or bomb.  I performed
>the appropriate tests and found that nothing added up.  I then decided to
>check the G002000 level and found it was way low.  Topped it off, parking
>brake light problem dissappeared.  What irks me though is that in my 5ktq,
>there would have been another warning light that would have told me that the
>G002000 level was low.
>So, my questions for the list are as follows:
>1. Are there rear brake pad sensors wired in the same way as the front and
>this is why I am getting this warning light still?
>2. Has anyone experienced the same parking brake light problem as described
>above and is this a change in behaviour from the 5ktq?  No, I don't have an
>owner's manual for the 200q20v.
>Noelle Kristen Beaudin <nobeau at tcnow.com>
>'91 200q20v
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