[200q20v] Smooth Running

Bernie Benz b.m.benz at prodigy.net
Sun Oct 21 17:50:18 EDT 2001

You're fat for now.  Run it only in winter, buy a summer car next spring.


> From: "Derek Pulvino" <dbpulvino at hotmail.com>
> Date: Sun, 21 Oct 2001 16:05:26 -0700
> To: s-car-list at yahoo.com, 200q20v at audifans.com
> Subject: [200q20v] Smooth Running
> Quick question for everybody,
> Noticed with the colder weather coming on my car is running smoother and
> stronger at part throttle.  Any ideas why this would be?
> I know that combustion favors colder air (cold air is denser, etc, purpose
> of intercooler), but I am willing to discount that as a factor here.  I can
> see stronger running as a potential result, but I think 30 deg f. would be a
> neglible amount.  In addition, I don't think it would also lead to smoother
> running as well.  I have had fault codes come up for the intake air temp
> sensor, but I checked and found out the replacement temp value for an
> incorrectly working temp sensor is 80 degrees cel.  So, no correlation
> there.
> As an ancilary, I've noticed some weakness in the tbv but not to the point
> of constant annoying, and predictable dying.
> Any ideas on what could be affected by the cooler temps?  Air temp changing
> pliability of hoses, a sensor working more effectively at temp, knock
> sensors etc.  Something is obviously going on here, but I'm not sure what to
> look for.  It would be nice if the power curve and running characteristics
> spent more time like this.
> Suggestions?
> Derek P
> 91 200, Seattle Wa, approx average temp 45-48 f.
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