[200q20v] winter tires

PeterBergin at aol.com PeterBergin at aol.com
Mon Oct 22 19:27:39 EDT 2001

**So what does every one out there use for winter tires, any suggestions app.


 I use Bridgestone Blizzak MZ 02 on Audi 15x6 wheels, size 205 60R 15.

They have a little less snow traction, but better ice and better dry pavement 
performance than the MZ 01's I had on my old 5000 Avant.

I live in Minnesota and have driven through some pretty tough snow (pulling a 
snowmobile trailer), with plenty of confidence.

Good luck.

91 Avant
Chipped, Euros (still in box in garage)
2000 S4 17in wheels
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