[200q20v] 20v oil leaking badly - need help

Michael Benno mbenno at yahoo.com
Thu Oct 25 14:18:30 EDT 2001

Greetings 20v owners: I am sending this message to both the Quattro and 20v listers in hopes of some insight. I have a question about oil leaks. Are the 20v oil pans (alloy) susceptible to leaking around the seal or is the crank seal known to be problematic? My 90q20v (7A) has just sprung a bad oil leak from the front lower part of the motor. I can can count about 3 drips per minute. Oil had been weeping out slowly for some time collecting around the seal and the right front bottom of the motor but it was very minimal. I suspect it is the oil pan seal but my fear is that it is the crank seal. However, the oil does not seem to be getting on the main pulley or belts since I do not see any slattering. I guess I should check to see if it is worse when it is running. Any suggestions? Please respond to me directly as I am only $ubs$cribed to the Urq list for the moment... Mike Benno
90q20v 84Urq

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