[200q20v] Torsen vs Quaife

Derek Pulvino dbpulvino at hotmail.com
Fri Oct 26 22:03:47 EDT 2001

Hey all,

Not related to the other ongoing thread concerning torsen power delivery, 
but I was reading through the "VW Performance Handbook" and read through the 
discussion on limited slips (was actually looking for the section on spring 
rates and handling bias).  In comparing the pictures of torsen vs quaife 
innards, it appeared that while the execution was different, the basis of 
design for both systems appeared the same.

That was the windup, but here's the question; was there any copyright issues 
between the two companies, or for that matter royalties changing hands.  It 
seems to me that quaife basically made a torsen diff that differs only in 
the cut of the planetary gears.

Derek P

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